• Registration now open for the season, register here:


  • We will send out our first newsletter/email 2 weeks before the start of the season to provide you with an update about the beginning of the season.

  • First Practice: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

  • Final Meet: Thursday, June 5, 2025

  • 2025 Spring Track Season runs 11 weeks from March 25 to June 5.

  • Focus and train for the 800m (half-mile) and 1500m (about 1 mile) races. We do not train for sprints, jumps, or throwing events. Distance events only.

The season will last 10 weeks, running from March 25 (first practice) through June 5 (Festival of Miles Track Meet). Meets/Time Trials are optional but highly encouraged. The meet schedule will be confirmed at the start of the season. We anticipate having 3-4 local meets/time trials, and the FOM is our “national meet” as participants from around the country come into town for this meet. Meets will be on Sunday mornings and are typically every other weekend.

Provided below is the 2024 spring track season schedule for reference. Our 2025 Schedule will be announced in March, but we expect it to similarly reflect this schedule:

  • Sun April 9 @ 9am (Team Time Trial @ Rockwood Summit HS in Fenton, MO)

  • Sun April 23 @ 9am (Team Time Trial @ Rockwood Summit HS in Fenton, MO)

  • Sun May 7 @ 1pm (Track Meet @ University City HS in U. City, MO)

  • Sun May 21 @ 9am (Track Meet @ North Tech HS in Florissant, MO)

  • Thurs June 1 @ 5pm (Festival of Miles at SLUH in St. Louis, MO)

Season Registration Fee: $125 (covers training costs and park usage costs, paid when you register your child for the season).

Team T-Shirt/Racing Singlet: $25-30 (shirt selection and payment collected at the same time your register your athlete for the season. If you plan to race in events, you will need a team shirt or racing singlet).

Meet Fees: $10-15 per meet (each meet has specific entry fee that must be paid to enter, we will collect for these ahead of each meet via a meet entry registration link/email).

USATF/AAU Membership: $10-15 per year (we will give instruction on when to sign up for AAU or USATF membership as we will need to provide a team code. Competing in the local sanctioned meets required one of these memberships, so it is needed if you intend on going to the AAU/USATF meets. Please wait for us to give instruction once the season starts before purchasing this membership).

***PLEASE NOTE: During registration, we will ask each parent to consider this before signing up their child for the team: While participation in St. Louis Blazers is NOT contingent upon speed/ability or race performance results (we are happy to take on runners of all abilities!), retention/fit with the team WILL be based on ATTITUDE, EFFORT, SPORTSMANSHIP, and RESPECT FOR COACHES AND TEAMMATES. We look forward to coaching individuals who WANT to be here, are willing to embrace the team/training process, give us a positive attitude and the effort we ask for at each practice. Each season we have a roster cap, and have a wait list to get onto the team. In each of the previous seasons, we have had a rising number of individuals signed up for the team that express to us a dis-interest in the sport, note they do not want to be at practice (that their “parents make them be here”), and refuse to participate in running. We will do everything we can to make running and practice a positive experience for your child, however we do need you child to meet these above requirements regarding positive attitude and effort at practice. If your child does not want to come to practice to run and participate, we ask that you consider other alternatives so that roster spots are filled with individuals that want to be in our program. If individuals join that do not meet the above requirements of positive attitude and effort at practice, the Blazers have the right to remove these individuals from participation with the team.

Practices are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45pm to 7pm. Practices will be at Laumeier Sculpture Park and at Rockwood Summit High School. We will rotate these practice locations, and will use both locations each week. We will firm up which days are at which location at the start of the season. The first week of practice we will hold both days at Laumeier Park. In each weekly newsletter email that we send out through the season, we will continue to confirm which location on which day.

Laumeier Sculpture Park
12580 Rott Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63127

(At Laumeier, we will meet at the parking lot that is on the east side of the visitor center, near the “eyeball” statue) 

Rockwood Summit High School
1780 Hawkins Rd..
Fenton, MO 63026

(At Summit, we will meet down on the track)